12 April 2010

Soltek SL-75FRN2 motherboard drivers + download

Hello there!

So I haven't written much lately (no time) but here is something useful for all you people who are looking for soltek sl-75FRN2 motherboard drivers.

I have been looking for them for about an hour and got really frustrated. The company seems to have died or something so you can't find their drivers anywhere.

Everywhere I went they wanted money for the drivers and their stupid driver update programs (fuck you, you dirty bastards) but I still managed to find this one for free. Well they wanted me to pay them but it's a long story.

I finally managed to get my hands on one the drivers packs for this motherboard and decided that I must share this.

So I uploaded the drivers onto my box.net account for you to download. Hope this saves you a lot of time (and money).

Here is the link

Best regards!


Zólyomi István said...


just have found this post, thank you for sharing! I've tried the download link, but it seems to be broken or private, I can't download it. Could you please fix the link, download it elsewhere or send it in email to istvan.zolyomi@gmail.com?

thank you in advance


Zólyomi István said...
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