12 August 2009

What's up

Hello there, I haven't been active on here for quite some time now.

To summarize:

- I've worked a lot, like a lot
- I've been traveling a lot
- I've been injured, visited the hospital, got some stitches

Now I'm back and guess what I'll be doing now?

- Working
- Working
- Working

I also visited Bosnia after about 5 years and got back together with some old friends. Now we're keeping in touch all the time. I've even created a CS (counter strike) server for us to hang out some time. It's nice to keep in touch, now I'm angry why I didn't do this sooner.

So at the moment I'm resting and removing my stitches, getting high on sugar and working at home. I'm also visiting a couple of drupal camps in the near future so there's a lot of stuff going on. Which is nice ;)

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Just received a check for $500.

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can get by taking paid surveys online...

So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for taking paid surveys to set the record straight.