18 March 2013

Outlook 2010 repeatedly prompts for Gmail password

ISSUE: When you try to add a new IMAP/POP3 gmail e-mail account in Outlook 2010 (or 2007) you are repeatedly prompted for a password.

SOLUTION: Enable 2 step verification in Gmail and ADD Outlook as a connected application

Open google's: Authorised Access to your Google Account

1. Generate a new password for you Outlook

 2. Verify if Outlook has been added to the list of applications

3. Use the new password in Outlook 2010

More information can be found here:



Microsoft support

I'm creating a new section where I will write about the issues and solutions related to Microsoft products. If anyone has an issue with Windows, Office and Office 365 products, he or she can post a comment or write and I'll try to find an answer.

10 December 2010

Got Mail?

I sure do, 306.000 e-mails. Exim sure was busy :)

Interesting spam

Call me weird but I like to read spam. I like knowing what the spammers are doing every currently  and today I received an e-mail from the wife of the former Yugoslav/Serbian president (war criminal/ass hole) Slobodan Milosevic. I've included a screen-shot of the e-mail below.

See, this is more interesting to us who live here in this region, because that man has made quite an impression on everyone, even though it was 100% bad.  And this probably comes from Nigeria or some other African country considering the spelling and everything. But you've got to hand it to them, they are smart, did their reading on our history and everything...  Aah, those Nigerians, what will they come up with next :)

02 December 2010

Good FREE software that I use on a regular basis

    Skype: online chat, voice call software, very functional, secure and stable

ImgBurn: is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application

CDBurnerXP: my new favourite recorder, does the job and it's functional
    Putty: is a free SSH/Telnet client that I use almost every day to connect to remote servers

Notepad++is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
TeamViewer: TeamViewer is a tool that let's you connect to a remote computer which is also running TeamViewer and offer remote support. Quite handy, lot's of functions. I've been using it since it came out, and haven't looked back since.

IrfanView: is a tool that I use to resize photos, save screenshots etc. Small and useful.

VLC:  is a media player that can play almost anything, even RAR'ed movie chunks and damaged files. Very useful if you don't like installing codecs and that kind of crap.

µTorrent: is a tiny and fast BitTorrent client

TED: Torrent episode downloader - does exactly what it's names states
ShutDown Timer: ever wanted to lay down, watch a movie and fall asleep without worrying about your computer being turned on all night. With shutdown timer you set the timer and that's it. Your computer turns off after the set amount of time.

Well, these are my most used applications at the moment.

Flashing my NEC ND-3520A DVD/RW drive

So I've been having some issues with my DVD recorder lately. Well not lately, for quite some time now, but I never got around thinking about it. Today I wanted to backup some files and guess what, the recorder didn't want to record the DVDs. It worked OK with some, but not with others. So I decided to flash the damn thing.

I downloaded the NEC ND-3520A flash tool, ran it, and It said that my firmware version was 1.04 - the current was above 3.07. So I had a way too old firmware.

Once I flashed it, powered down my computer and turned it on again, everything worked like a charm. I guess the firmware was so old it didn't have any information about the new media (DVD's,CD's) that were out there. My 100th post, Yay.

Well, I did something good today, now I can go out and make a snowman :)

28 November 2010

Posting from my mobile phone

So I wanted to test this feature. Here goes nothing :) Oh yeah, it started snowing yesterday.

28 April 2010

Re-doing my workspace

I've started with my desk and cables. I'm trying to hide the cable clutter by using some advanced cable management techniques.
Also, I'm putting my card reader and a new USB hub under the table, so I have quick access to some USB ports, those are always welcome.
I've ordered a 7 port Akasa USB hub. It looks slim enough to fit under my desk. I already mounted the card reader which has all the necessary slots, like SD, MS/MS pro, CF etc.
The next step is mounting my LED screens to the wall. I'll probably make a custom mount because the commercial ones are way too expensive.

12 April 2010

Soltek SL-75FRN2 motherboard drivers + download

Hello there!

So I haven't written much lately (no time) but here is something useful for all you people who are looking for soltek sl-75FRN2 motherboard drivers.

I have been looking for them for about an hour and got really frustrated. The company seems to have died or something so you can't find their drivers anywhere.

Everywhere I went they wanted money for the drivers and their stupid driver update programs (fuck you, you dirty bastards) but I still managed to find this one for free. Well they wanted me to pay them but it's a long story.

I finally managed to get my hands on one the drivers packs for this motherboard and decided that I must share this.

So I uploaded the drivers onto my box.net account for you to download. Hope this saves you a lot of time (and money).

Here is the link

Best regards!

05 October 2009

Skype 4 + IrfanView 4.25 slovenian translations

I get asked a lot if there are Slovenian translations for Skype 4 or IrfanView 4.25.
Little googling always helps because I found these 2 in less then a minute.
Anyway, if you need them, they will be on my blog all the time. I will try to constantly update these language files to the newest versions. On the right side of the blog, you will find the section with the downloads.
Ljudje me velikokrat sprašujejo glede slovenskih prevodov za IrfanView in najnovejši Skype. V primeru da jih boste potrebovali, bosta ta dva prevoda vedno na voljo na tem blogu. Potrudil se bom da bosta datoteki vedno sveži. Na desni strani bloga boste našli okence s prevodi.